Apply with discord

This is a short guide on how to apply for a team in the GZE discord.

Optional step

step 0: accept our rules

This step is optional, but we recommend you to read our rules before you apply. You can find our rules in the discord channel #rules.

Screenshot from discord, which shows the rules channel
Screenshot from discord, which shows the rules channel

Step 0.5: Click confirm in rules

When you are in the rules channel, you will see a message from our bot. Click the button marked confirm to confirm that you have read the rules. This will also give the role of community member.

Screenshot from discord which shows the rules channel with the confirm button
Screenshot from discord which shows the rules channel with the confirm button

Step 1: Go to our recruitment channel

When you have accepted our rules (optional), you can go to our recruitment channel. You can find our recruitment channel in the discord channel #recruitment.

Screenshot from discord which shows the recruitment channel
Screenshot from discord which shows the recruitment channel

Step 2: Choose the game you are interested in

When you are in the recruitment channel, you will see a message from our bot. Click the button marked with the game you want to apply to.

Screenshot from discord which shows the recruitment channel with the game buttons
Screenshot from discord which shows the recruitment channel with the game buttons

Step 3: Answer the questions

When you have clicked the button, you will see a message from our bot. The bot will ask you some questions. You can answer the questions by typing in the chat.

Step 4: Done

When you have answered the questions, you are done. Now you just have to wait for a team manager to contact you.